Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone.  I hope you got some great gifts from the Easter Bunny like I did.  I was a little skepitcal about this Easter Bunny thing, since I have never seen a bunny in our neighborhood yet.  It's true not one single bunny (it's a mystery!).  Not that I wasn't happy to get the gifts though, regardless of where this bunny came from.  

Unfortunaely, we didn't get take an official family photo for Easter.  Not sure what we were thinking.  I think that we were getting excited about taking some professional photos.  Thank goodness for Aunt Melissa.  So for now family pictures pending... 

The Easter Bunny did come, I just didn't really believe he would.
But, now i'm a believer!

I'm so excited to meet my new stuffed animal,
Bianca the cat. 

I got a new little puff ball toy.  It's pretty cool.

Thanks Mommy. 

I got some new bows, and headbands.  

I'm looking up to you Daddy. 

This thing is awesome.  

You see this thing flips back and forth, back and forth. 
I could do this all day long. 

I told you I was going to be walking soon. 

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