Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cookie Chase

Mommy and Daddy did a 5k run with some of Daddy's friends from work.  It was my first 5k, and I didn't even break a sweat.  I can't wait to do this run in a couple years when I can enjoy all the free cookies.  This race was awesome, they had cookie stations along the course where you could enjoy some sweet cookies as you ran along.  Technically Daddy beat his friend Willie in the race, but Willie did have a quick start as he was running to keep up with his little daughter Rose.  She was fast.  Maybe it was all the cookies she ate before the race.  But, in the was me and Mommy who took the win as we flew threw the finish line before Daddy and all his work friends (you might even say we left them in our dust)!

Daddy didn't want to get close too Cookie Monster, because he was scared of him.  
Cookie Monster did call me a little boy
(uh, pink socks, flowers on my shirt...
come on Cookie Monster, pull it together!). 

I have no idea what Daddy is doing right now.  Look at that pose.
 Sometimes he is so embarrassing.  

Daddy and me after the race.  We sure were tuckered out! 

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