Tuesday, April 10, 2012

29 Weeks

I almost made it a whole week without any sickies.  Until Sunday when we made an unscheduled visit to my doctor's office all to find out that I had another ear infection.  Then you know the drill.  I have to take my medicine daily, this one tastes like strawberries.  So far I like the bubble gum flavor medicine the best.  The strange thing is that Daddy got sick earlier this week, then I got sick a few days later.  I'm just saying...

Otherwise it was a good week.  I'm liking my teachers more and more each week.  I'm getting more and more kisses and hugs.  One of my teachers said I remind her of her daughter when she was little, so I'm pretty sure I get extra special attention because of that (which I don't mind).  Good things have been happening not just at daycare.  I have been sitting up better each day.  Basically I can sit up without any help at all.  Even though Mommy and Daddy place pillows behind me just in case I lose control (they are so paranoid).  Before you know it I will be walking.  Watch out world here I come!  

I'm feeling a little bashful.  

Hey Macarena

Don't look at Patches, look at me.

Still looking at me?

I'm always so happy. 

I'm testing out some new wrestling moves, that I
plan on using against Daddy.

I'm getting Patches into a head lock.

Daddy said not to forget how
important your legs are during a
wrestling match. 

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