Tuesday, April 24, 2012

31 Weeks

So kind of a big deal this week...guess what, i'm not sick!  Let's hope I keep it up!  This week, I've come to find out that there are things I like and things I don't like any more.  One thing I really like is growling.  I growl all the time.  I will growl when I'm happy, and sad.  I will growl when I want something.  I even growl when my diaper needs to be changed.  A couple other things I like are yogurt bites, I just tried them for the first time this week, and they are yummy. Plus, I can feed them to myself! I also learned how to drink out of a sippy cup this week. I actually prefer to drink from it like a big girl, without the lid on. But, Mommy says that is kind of messy (and she's right, i soaked myself the first time I tried this)!   A couple things I don't like anymore.  I don't like being swaddled.  I figured I was a big girl now and could sleep with my arms free.  But, big girls can still sleep in a sleep sack if they want :)  I didn't like it when one of my teachers left her job, and I'm not super happy about the new teacher that is a temporary replacement.  She calls me by other girls names sometimes (and then she wonders why I cry?!). 

Here's to the hopes of another exciting week...and many more "likes!" 

Eeks...Mommy scared me!

This is serious, Mommy...no more scaring me!


Hi There.

Just me and patches holding hands.

Time for my close up!

Here, let me help you adjust that.

One word, sounds like...

Practicing my glare...what do you think?
Pretty tough, right?

These are my hands...

...and these are my teeth, i've got two of them now!

YAY! See you next week!

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