Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Maze & Snow Volcano

Daddy and I made a snow maze one day while Sloane was taking a nap.  Today just happened to be one of those ever so increasing days that I didn't take a nap.  We had a few minutes before Sloane would be up, so we took advantage of playing in the snow.  

This is a dramatic photo of time spent in the maze.  

Sloane was quickly lost during her
first time through.  

Sayler?  Where is the way out?

I was a master of the maze in no time.

Daddy noticed some geese that wanted to play in our
 maze later that day.  

Birthday Artwork fun!

February and March are big months for birthdays in our family!  While we didn't get a chance to make cards for everyone this past month (sorry if we missed you!), we did make some cards and artwork for Uncle Matt and Mimi

For Uncle Matt.
Daddy helped us with this one, and we think it turned out totally awesome!
Apparently Uncle Justin and my Mommy used to call Uncle Matt Pterodactyl Joy 
(kind of silly if you ask me!)

 For Mimi.
Mommy likes having us make artwork with our hands
(she says it documents how we're growing)

These next couple were a collaboration between me and Mommy.
I painted and then she traced what she thought my painting looked like!

She thought this one looked like a guinea pig (or maybe a hamster).

And this one looked like a turtle!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Happy Birthday Daddy....continued:)

Mommy had to work on Daddy's birthday, and I had school in the morning.  So, we decided to have a family day, the day after Daddy's birthday!

First sissy and I got in a quick story time!
Sissy is the best at reading to me.

Then we started off the morning, doing something a little different - a candy factory tour!
Who doesn't like candy at 9:30am in the morning?!

Daddy was geared up for the tour!

As you can see, Sloane and I were pretty zoned watching the intro video to the tour!
Do I have to wear this hat?  
It's messing up the piggy tails that Mommy worked so hard to put in my hair!

 And here is where the delicious-ness begins!
They were making lollipops, candy canes, and hard candy in this area.

 These were chocolate covered marshmallows...
don't worry we got some to bring home and try later.  
Sloane and I were definitely pleased with them:)

Free Candy...yes, please!

Hop, hop, hop.  Sloane and I getting ready for Easter!

Next up - the Butterfly Pavillion

We were all trying to see if we could get butterflies to land on us!

Turns out, Daddy was the Butterfly whisperer

Here Butterflies....

This is about as close as I got to a butterfly without scaring it away (or getting scared)!
I thought I wanted one to land on me, but when they came close, I ran!

See...Sloane and I running!

They had some cool flowers inside the Pavillion. 
We thought this one looked like something you'd see in the world of Dr. Seuss.

They also had other cool things at the Pavillion, like sea urchins

 There was a play area, perfect size for me!

And there was this awesome bridge I climbed on...
about 20 times!

I was a little timid to cross the bridge at first

But, after the 12th time or so, I was running!

 Sissy joined the fun!

I'm in a cocoon!

I had some pretty awesome spidey skills!

Eek, I'm trapped in the web!

I think Sloane was a little pooped out...
She feel asleep like this when we got home!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Happy Birthday Daddy!

There was still a little snow on the ground for Daddy's birthday, so we headed outside to play!

Woo hoo, I love playing in snow (with my sand toys)!

Strike a pose!
(Sloane taught me some poses recently)!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Now time to share some cupcakes!

I kind of just like frosting and sprinkles...hee hee!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Disney Fun

I was super excited today because Minnie stopped by our house while Sayler was at School.  I got to take a picture with her and she gave me a Minnie ears hat and glasses for me to wear.  

Me and my best buddy Minnie!

Disney Magic.

I put on my Minnie PJ's, because I was so excited 
about her visit.  Unfortunately, I didn't see her again, but I 
did get to see a bunch of her friends.  Here is me and 

Don't be fooled everybody, it was actually an App 
Daddy got on his phone that made this Disney magic possible.  
We all started to have fun with the App.  

Here I am with Tiana.  

OMG.  I'm going to show this one to your
first real boyfriend.  

Oh Cinderella.  

Howdy y'all

Is that really Donald behind me?

To infinite and beyond!

Gosh!  We all thought Daddy looked goofy in this one.  

I got my arm around Micky.  I always thought he 
would be taller.

Awe Captain Hook.  Where is Tinkerbell to 
save me?

Rapunzel has been my new favorite Princess 
as of late.