Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Heart Day

For Valentine's Day, we started off the day by opening a package from Mimi and doesn't get much better than that!

 We were pretty stoked!  

Then we headed downtown, to 'The Big City' as I like to call it.
We checked out Union Station, went to the book store...and even did a little ice skating!

Here we come!

I'm not sure who needed the walker/support more - me or Daddy?! 

 By the 3rd time around I was really cruisin'
(granted, we only went around 4 times total before we were both done)!

I was feeling brave and wanted to try skating without the support of the walker...
instead I put all my weight on Daddy! ;)

Then it was off to lunch!  
We had a bit of a wait, so we had to entertain ourselves 

Funny faces always help time go by!
Happy Valentine's Day!

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