Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Disney Fun

I was super excited today because Minnie stopped by our house while Sayler was at School.  I got to take a picture with her and she gave me a Minnie ears hat and glasses for me to wear.  

Me and my best buddy Minnie!

Disney Magic.

I put on my Minnie PJ's, because I was so excited 
about her visit.  Unfortunately, I didn't see her again, but I 
did get to see a bunch of her friends.  Here is me and 

Don't be fooled everybody, it was actually an App 
Daddy got on his phone that made this Disney magic possible.  
We all started to have fun with the App.  

Here I am with Tiana.  

OMG.  I'm going to show this one to your
first real boyfriend.  

Oh Cinderella.  

Howdy y'all

Is that really Donald behind me?

To infinite and beyond!

Gosh!  We all thought Daddy looked goofy in this one.  

I got my arm around Micky.  I always thought he 
would be taller.

Awe Captain Hook.  Where is Tinkerbell to 
save me?

Rapunzel has been my new favorite Princess 
as of late. 

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