Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Birthday Artwork fun!

February and March are big months for birthdays in our family!  While we didn't get a chance to make cards for everyone this past month (sorry if we missed you!), we did make some cards and artwork for Uncle Matt and Mimi

For Uncle Matt.
Daddy helped us with this one, and we think it turned out totally awesome!
Apparently Uncle Justin and my Mommy used to call Uncle Matt Pterodactyl Joy 
(kind of silly if you ask me!)

 For Mimi.
Mommy likes having us make artwork with our hands
(she says it documents how we're growing)

These next couple were a collaboration between me and Mommy.
I painted and then she traced what she thought my painting looked like!

She thought this one looked like a guinea pig (or maybe a hamster).

And this one looked like a turtle!

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