Saturday, February 7, 2015

Denver Art Museum

Today we decided to take in some culture that is.  We headed to the Denver Art Museum.
It had lots of cool art, and even fun things for me and Sloane to do!

I got to play with lots of pretties today!
I believe Daddy was saying "oooooohhhhh"
(I'm sure he was just deciding which piece to get Mommy)

 I even made my own pretty necklace from recycled pieces
(puzzle pieces, paper tubes, foam, and string)

Check out my necklace!
oh la la, right?!

I was told I could only play with these...not take them!  Darn.

We tried to do a scavenger hunt with this 
cool horse backpack filled with treasures...
BUT, we still need to work on sharing.
So, it was short-lived.  Maybe next time!

Just me being silly and pretending to be a dinosaur!

"Mama te quiero mucho"
translation: "Mom, I love you so much"

Just goofing around with Daddy.

I was running real fast.  

These gives me an idea...pillow fort at home?!

Then Daddy took us through a secret passageway
and we ended up in a cardboard cave!
Daddy told us we could probably make something like this at home
(I may just hold him to it!)

 Mommy thought this was cool - Maybe Daddy can make us one of these too?! :)

"Your artwork is like your fingerprint"

This was my "fingerprint" added to the collection
I loved getting to craft at the museum.

Just me, at it again!
What's up buddy!?

We got to play with a cool doll house that looked a lot like the museum!

Then it was on to building with blocks.

You know a place is cool when they have a pirate ship on wheels!

Look out!  We were nearly swept away!

That's one really tall building.  

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