Tuesday, February 28, 2012

23 Weeks

So weekly picture day moved from Tuesdays to the weekend before, since I started daycare.  Mommy took these photos, and realized how hard it has become to take the photos.  She found out just how much I love Patches and how easily distracted I get. 

My first week of day care had its ups and downs.  The best part is that I got to meet new friends.  Some of these friendships will be short, as the kids will be graduating to the next level.  My morning bestie is P, (I am using initials to conceal my new friends identity) she is an early bird like me in the morning.  Today she came crawling up to me as I was being dropped off.  I was hoping she would teach me to walk, but she is going to be going to the next level soon.  Mommy is pushing me to become friends with H, because she thinks H is almost as cute as me.  I guess she likes her style too.  I just might have met my first crush this week.  It's a boy named D.  He is about a month younger then me.  I heard that's called robbing the cradle (whatever that means).  I think he's a dreamy hunk.  I'm starting to grow on my teachers, they are super nice, and think I am super awesome (who wouldn't?!).  I heard that they are going to teach me some sign language and some espanol (that means Spanish).

I guess another good thing is that daycare is supposed to build up my immune system, but I thought that was the worst part.  I got sick after only two days in.  I got pink eye that lead to an ear infection.  That ear infection makes me cranky.  I blame that V girl.    She was coughing and sneezing my first day.  You should have seen the snot running out of her nose.  Each day Mommy and Daddy tell me to keep away from V. 

Well here's to hoping week two goes better, as I am already starting to get over my sickies.

First photo was alright,
and I was paying attention to the camera (kind of).

 Ahh, I quickly got focused on Patches here in the second picture. 

Then poof, Patches was gone. 

But, I sure can smile for Mommy, even without Patches. 

Check out these boots.  They're made for walking,
 but I can't do that yet (sadly kick some dirt).

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon
(I learned that song in storytime at the library). 

I was giving Patches a spankin'...just kidding,
we don't do that around our household
(I was really just giving him a love tap)!

Then pow, this is how I ended. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

22 Weeks

This marks the last week of Daddy day care (sad tear).  Next week is the start of the next stage of my life, daycare.  I visited a couple times this week and it was cool to meet new baby friends.  I smiled and talked while I was there.  The teachers were really nice.  Plus, they have so many new toys to play with.  I am going to be the youngster of the class for awhile, but I might be the oldest by summer.  I hope Mommy doesn't cry too much when she drops me off the first time (though daddy tells me this is likely to happen...mommy just loves me so much she can't help it)! 

Stop in the name of love.  

I feel like I should be in Aspen with this sweater. 

Don't worry PETA it's not real fur. 

Ride em' pony!

And the bus driver honks his horn. 

I like my toes. 

I want to eat them. 
Hey look at that, I have hair on top of my head (finally). 

Look into my eyes, deep into my eyes. 

Patches pushed me over this time (I guess were even now). 

I'm learning to sit up by myself,
 but my large dome pulls me forward still.

Yawn, time for a nap.  Night night.  

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Love Laughing At My Kitty

This time I was laughing at Bella playing with a string.  And I thought I was easily amused by simple objects.  I guess I just like to put those different objects in my mouth.  That Bella really cracks me up.

Monday, February 20, 2012

My 5 Month Birthday

Today is my five month birthday so Daddy thought he should take some pictures of me to remember the day.  Then I gotta take my weekly pictures tomorrow, and then again on Sunday since daycare is starting next week, so many pictures, so little time.

I would say...content birthday girl. 

Hey look at my nails, I just got a mani.  (hee, hee)

I'm so happy for my birthday!

Daddy tried some baby close ups.  How'd he do?



Sunday, February 19, 2012

Baby In A Box

Daddy and I are kind of into Dr. Seuss these days...you'll understand what I mean shortly!

What am I doing in a box?
Have you seen my sock?

Baby in a box.
With a duck.
Which doesn't go cluck.
Where is my sock?

Baby still in a box.
Look over there a fox.
Maybe he has my sock.
I still got my duck. 
I wish I had a truck. 

Still a baby in a box.
I found my sock. 
Baby with a smile.
I think I will stay here a while. 

Cat in a box.
Not a fox. 
Where is my hat?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today my Daddy turned the big 3-3!  It was a nice little Saturday.  It started off with Mommy making breakfast.  Then we went to the library for story time (or what I like to call "people watching time").  I checked out some cool new books to read - lots of girly ones this time including Fancy Nancy, Pinkilicious, Ladybug girl...I can't wait to read them all!  Then after the library it was already lunch time...and after that, off to the mall!  But no sales...Daddy was disappointed, he likes his bargains!  After the mall, Daddy made steak dinner while mommy cooked a homemade cake with homemade frosting for Daddy's birthday!  Mommy referred to it as an "experiment".  It didn't turn out quite as she planned, but with a little ice cream it was delicious, or so I hear!

By the time Daddy's cake was finished, it was getting late...
I was already in my pajamas, and was being a little goofy
(sticking my tongue out, and possibly spitting a little on
Daddy's cake...shhh, don't tell!)

Daddy sharing a little love with me...
maybe he'll share a little of that cake with me too!


Me helping Daddy blow out the candles...
he's getting kind of old know, ya know. 
He doesn't have the air capacity that I do!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

21 Weeks

So, I was tired today.  So tired because I was in the car all day yesterday driving back from Nebraska.  I just didn't feel like taking any picures.  I don't think Daddy was up for it either.  He did a good job from what I was giving him.  I can't be on point 24/7. 

You're not going to get me to smile today Daddy. 

But you can scare me. 

And, I can stick out my tongue. 

Looks like I'm thinking about smiling,
 or maybe I'm thinking about kitties (you know, the usual). 

Look at the sparkle in my eyes. 

This was the closest thing to a smile today.  (I was tired)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Sugar is sweet and so are you (and me)!
Good morning everybody.
  Happy Valentines Day!

I'm all hopped up on Valentines candy.
 (just joking, I'm too little to eat candy...darn it)

Check out my heart and cross bones shirt.
Hard core Valentines Day! 
Eat your heart out boys!

Monday, February 13, 2012

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory of My Great Grandma Mitchell
1929 - 2012

When you look at the sun, See me Smile.
When you look at the stars, Hear me laugh.
When you look in your heart, Know that I am always there.

Unfortunately, I only got to meet my Great Grandma Mitchell just once.  But, I could tell immediately what a wonderful woman she was.  So kind, so happy and so silly (now I know where Mommy gets her silly-ness from)!  Seems like someone I would have really loved being around and getting to know.

But, even though I didn't get the opportunity to know her very well personally, my Mommy has told me wonderful stories about her and I feel like I do know her in a way!

Some things my Mommy shared with me...
She told me how Grandma used to spoil her and the rest of the grandkids rotten, and that she always had cookies at her house!  Mommy said she had the best kind too - Fudge Stripes. Which have a hole in the center just big enough to put your finger in and then eat around the cookie in a circle.  That sounds silly and like something I can't wait to try!

Mommy also told me how Grandma had all the cool McDonald's toys...and she didn't even have to buy happy meals to get them - how cool is that?!  I love toys and I bet I would have loved playing with my Great Grandma.

She also told me how my Grandma loved to laugh and that it was contagious...Mommy tells me that my laugh is contagious as well, because sometimes i'll laugh and then Mommy will laugh, and then Daddy will start laughing...and then the kitties!  Well, maybe not the kitties.  But, I do laugh about silly things the kitties do a lot!

But, she told me what she loved most about Grandma Mitchell was how she always put family first and loved everyone unconditionally, no matter what!  She sounds like the best Great Grandma ever!

As we laid my great grandmother to rest, there was the sound of a beautiful bird singing.  Uncle Justin said he believed that was my Great Grandma looking down over all of us, letting us know that everything would be okay and that she will always be watching over us.  Whenever I hear birds sing, I will always remember my Great Grandma Mitchell!
We Love you!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

20 Weeks

We started the day off with Patches, but as you can
see I was totally focused on Patches,
and not on the camera. 

Then for some reason I pushed Patches over. 

I thought it was best to hug it out and make peace.  

I think I just peed myself from all this excitement.  

Daddy had to take away Patches so I wouldn't be distracted. 

I love Minnie Mouse.

What are Mommy and Daddy going to do to control
all of my cuteness?

Daddy got Patches back out and of course I went straight for his ear.

I guess the best smiles come when Patches is on my right.
Oh, yeah check out my hippie bandana (on loan from my buddy Avery). 

Just watch what happens to me in the next couple photos.
Here I'm slowly falling over...

And I'm down...

Then with my luck, my bandana falls down over my eyes, and
now I'm blind. 

Don't worry everyone, Daddy picked me back up, and all
was okay!  See, check me out...I'm still cute as can be!