Monday, February 13, 2012

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory of My Great Grandma Mitchell
1929 - 2012

When you look at the sun, See me Smile.
When you look at the stars, Hear me laugh.
When you look in your heart, Know that I am always there.

Unfortunately, I only got to meet my Great Grandma Mitchell just once.  But, I could tell immediately what a wonderful woman she was.  So kind, so happy and so silly (now I know where Mommy gets her silly-ness from)!  Seems like someone I would have really loved being around and getting to know.

But, even though I didn't get the opportunity to know her very well personally, my Mommy has told me wonderful stories about her and I feel like I do know her in a way!

Some things my Mommy shared with me...
She told me how Grandma used to spoil her and the rest of the grandkids rotten, and that she always had cookies at her house!  Mommy said she had the best kind too - Fudge Stripes. Which have a hole in the center just big enough to put your finger in and then eat around the cookie in a circle.  That sounds silly and like something I can't wait to try!

Mommy also told me how Grandma had all the cool McDonald's toys...and she didn't even have to buy happy meals to get them - how cool is that?!  I love toys and I bet I would have loved playing with my Great Grandma.

She also told me how my Grandma loved to laugh and that it was contagious...Mommy tells me that my laugh is contagious as well, because sometimes i'll laugh and then Mommy will laugh, and then Daddy will start laughing...and then the kitties!  Well, maybe not the kitties.  But, I do laugh about silly things the kitties do a lot!

But, she told me what she loved most about Grandma Mitchell was how she always put family first and loved everyone unconditionally, no matter what!  She sounds like the best Great Grandma ever!

As we laid my great grandmother to rest, there was the sound of a beautiful bird singing.  Uncle Justin said he believed that was my Great Grandma looking down over all of us, letting us know that everything would be okay and that she will always be watching over us.  Whenever I hear birds sing, I will always remember my Great Grandma Mitchell!
We Love you!

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