Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Avery

Happy Birthday Avery.  I'm glad we got to come over and celebrate with you.  Having to brave through all that snow - we had over 20inches at our house, that's almost taller than me!  Mommy said the cake pops were delicious (and well worth the trek in the snow), and they tasted good as seconds when I got to them (if you know what I mean, hee hee).

The birthday girl on her 3rd birthday. 
She sure is pretty.  I love the headband, so stylish!

I think Avery was looking at me thinking about when
she was this small. 
Soon, she'll be helping me celebrate my 1st birthday. 
I can't wait! 

I wish it was my birthday. 
Then I could cry if I want to, oh wait I am. 

Since I was dressed up so cute today, Mommy thought it might
be a good opportunity to get a picture of just the two of us. 
Look at my furry sweater (don't worry people it's faux fur)!

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