Tuesday, February 28, 2012

23 Weeks

So weekly picture day moved from Tuesdays to the weekend before, since I started daycare.  Mommy took these photos, and realized how hard it has become to take the photos.  She found out just how much I love Patches and how easily distracted I get. 

My first week of day care had its ups and downs.  The best part is that I got to meet new friends.  Some of these friendships will be short, as the kids will be graduating to the next level.  My morning bestie is P, (I am using initials to conceal my new friends identity) she is an early bird like me in the morning.  Today she came crawling up to me as I was being dropped off.  I was hoping she would teach me to walk, but she is going to be going to the next level soon.  Mommy is pushing me to become friends with H, because she thinks H is almost as cute as me.  I guess she likes her style too.  I just might have met my first crush this week.  It's a boy named D.  He is about a month younger then me.  I heard that's called robbing the cradle (whatever that means).  I think he's a dreamy hunk.  I'm starting to grow on my teachers, they are super nice, and think I am super awesome (who wouldn't?!).  I heard that they are going to teach me some sign language and some espanol (that means Spanish).

I guess another good thing is that daycare is supposed to build up my immune system, but I thought that was the worst part.  I got sick after only two days in.  I got pink eye that lead to an ear infection.  That ear infection makes me cranky.  I blame that V girl.    She was coughing and sneezing my first day.  You should have seen the snot running out of her nose.  Each day Mommy and Daddy tell me to keep away from V. 

Well here's to hoping week two goes better, as I am already starting to get over my sickies.

First photo was alright,
and I was paying attention to the camera (kind of).

 Ahh, I quickly got focused on Patches here in the second picture. 

Then poof, Patches was gone. 

But, I sure can smile for Mommy, even without Patches. 

Check out these boots.  They're made for walking,
 but I can't do that yet (sadly kick some dirt).

Bouncing up and down in my little red wagon
(I learned that song in storytime at the library). 

I was giving Patches a spankin'...just kidding,
we don't do that around our household
(I was really just giving him a love tap)!

Then pow, this is how I ended. 

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