Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today my Daddy turned the big 3-3!  It was a nice little Saturday.  It started off with Mommy making breakfast.  Then we went to the library for story time (or what I like to call "people watching time").  I checked out some cool new books to read - lots of girly ones this time including Fancy Nancy, Pinkilicious, Ladybug girl...I can't wait to read them all!  Then after the library it was already lunch time...and after that, off to the mall!  But no sales...Daddy was disappointed, he likes his bargains!  After the mall, Daddy made steak dinner while mommy cooked a homemade cake with homemade frosting for Daddy's birthday!  Mommy referred to it as an "experiment".  It didn't turn out quite as she planned, but with a little ice cream it was delicious, or so I hear!

By the time Daddy's cake was finished, it was getting late...
I was already in my pajamas, and was being a little goofy
(sticking my tongue out, and possibly spitting a little on
Daddy's cake...shhh, don't tell!)

Daddy sharing a little love with me...
maybe he'll share a little of that cake with me too!


Me helping Daddy blow out the candles...
he's getting kind of old know, ya know. 
He doesn't have the air capacity that I do!

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