Monday, February 27, 2012

22 Weeks

This marks the last week of Daddy day care (sad tear).  Next week is the start of the next stage of my life, daycare.  I visited a couple times this week and it was cool to meet new baby friends.  I smiled and talked while I was there.  The teachers were really nice.  Plus, they have so many new toys to play with.  I am going to be the youngster of the class for awhile, but I might be the oldest by summer.  I hope Mommy doesn't cry too much when she drops me off the first time (though daddy tells me this is likely to happen...mommy just loves me so much she can't help it)! 

Stop in the name of love.  

I feel like I should be in Aspen with this sweater. 

Don't worry PETA it's not real fur. 

Ride em' pony!

And the bus driver honks his horn. 

I like my toes. 

I want to eat them. 
Hey look at that, I have hair on top of my head (finally). 

Look into my eyes, deep into my eyes. 

Patches pushed me over this time (I guess were even now). 

I'm learning to sit up by myself,
 but my large dome pulls me forward still.

Yawn, time for a nap.  Night night.  

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