Saturday, February 4, 2012

Maida's B-Day

Today we went over to my cousins' house for Maida's 1 year birthday party.  They had a nice spread, and there were plenty of kids for me to watch.  I'm really not big enough to play with other kids yet.  I think Maida and I are going to be great friends, considering she is only 8 months older than me.  I can't wait for Maida and Harper to come to my first birthday party. 

My cousin Maida, the Happy Birthday girl and her Birthday cake. 

I guess she couldn't decide which of the two cakes to eat.  

After cake and presents Daddy asked if I
wanted to play the ukulele. (I said yes)

I pretty sure I'm going to be a natural at this. 

We tried to take a family photo, but I got mad because I
 wanted that Ukulele back. 

My cousin Harper in the beginning stages of dress up. 
She's so splendiferous (that means fancy)!

Look at the two fashionistas.
Harper and her bestie Celie.

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