Tuesday, January 31, 2012

19 Weeks

It has been a rough couple weeks around the Bugga household.  First Daddy got sick with Strep Throat.  He was sick with that for 3 days or so, and he was boring during that time.  Supposedly, he was too tired to play with me.  It ended up being a lot of time on my play mat.  He also didn't talk much because his throat hurt so much.  I started to get lonely since he couldn't talk much.  This lead to some awesome Mommy time when she got home from work.  Once Mommy got home Daddy really turned into a bum.

The girls of the house got sick next.  I think we both got sick on the same day.  Mommy got Daddy's Strep Throat, and got some medication at urgent care.   She was awesome as usually, being the best Mommy in the world.  I on the other hand had my first emergency room visit.  Mommy and her motherly instincts kicked in when my eye got progressively worse in a matter of a couple hours.  She called my pediatrician, and she advised that we go to the ER, I guess the eyes are nothing to be messed with.  Twenty minutes later, and we were walking through the sliding glass doors of the hospital. 

The ER was really efficient and very friendly to us.  After a short while they determined that I had Conjunctivitis (aka - Pink Eye) and a slight ear infection.  (I have no Idea where I would have gotten Pink Eye from)  Before you knew it we were out the hospital doors headed home.  The worst part came when I had to take that horrible medication.  I recovered fairly quick, but Mommy and Daddy still have lingering sore throats. 

I was really into Patches today. 
(Don't worry below was all pretend, I didn't really hurt him)
Here I am trying to put him into my mouth,
just like I want to put everything into my mouth.

I just did a Vulcan nerve pinch on Patches. 

Now I'm going Matrix on Patches. 

I'm only smiling because I'm still thinking about eating his ear.

What Daddy, I shouldn't eat Patches' ear?

At least my head was in focus.

I added this photo just to show you my sweet smile. 

Just in case you didn't know, my Mommy and Daddy
 love to put me in leg warmers! 

It doesn't matter what I'm wearing,
because I'm still eyeing Patches ear.

Smiling buddies!

Man I'm tired.  I hope Mommy isn't bothered
that I just yawned out loud.  (inside joke, whatever that means)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Viral Friday

This is Adele who happens to be one of the top singers of my first year of life.  This is her song Set Fire To The Rain, which is currently number one on the billboard charts.  She has a raspy voice that is so powerful.  She has a chance for multiple Grammys, lets hope she wins. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

18 Weeks

Week three of Daddy daycare going good.  Nothing has really changed that much. We have fun playing during the day.  We miss Mommy while she is at work, and we look forward to the weekends so we can all be together.  Please enjoy some photos of myself, along with some of my clever comments.

I feel kinda short and stout in this photo.  Like a teapot.  (hahaha)

Daddy said that there was a blue bird on my shoulder,
I don't know what he's talkin' about.

And to think Mommy didn't think Daddy could get me to smile.

Wait did Patches grow?

Cheater, you're standing on your tippie toes.

Ohh, boy, Daddy you're supposed to take
 pictures of me not my toys.


Just another smile. 

I'm going to kick you Daddy. 

Bye, bye

Monday, January 23, 2012

Jumpa Who Jumpa Roo.

I really like my jumperoo, but I'm a little bit too small to use it all by myself.  I do like looking at all the lights and dancing to the songs it plays.  There are a couple catchy songs that I love to listen to.  I really like the two little duckys who take a spin and love to splash in the water come on in (that's part of the song).  I can't wait until I get bigger. 

I need help from some pillows.

Look at me no pillows, but
catchin' some big air in my jumperoo.

Prayin' in my jumperoo. 

Playing in my jumperoo on Christmas Day. 

More to come once I get a little bit bigger. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

My First Laughs.

Here are a couple videos of me really laughing for the first time.  I was laughing at my kitty Bella.  She was playing with Mommy with one of her toys.  She would run like crazy to catch her toy and bring it back to Mommy like a puppy.  She is the smartest cat, just like I'm the smartest baby.   

Health Assessment

Ok, I've had 3 major doctor visits so far, and my progression has been, well lets say its been progress. 

At two weeks I was 21 1/4" tall and in the 80 percentile which means 20% of kids my age were taller than me.  My doctor was thinking I was going to be a tall.  Mommy and Daddy didn't know where that would have came from.  I weighed 8lbs 13oz, the 58 percentile for weight.  While my head was 37.8 centimeters which is, wait for it, in the 85 percentile.  Only 15% of kids have a larger head than me.  Too bad my body hasn't caught up, yet.

At my 2 month check up (Nov 30th 2011) I was 23" tall which is in the 63 percentile  I weighed 11lbs 8oz which is in the 58 percentile.  My head was still big measuring 40.9 centimeters.  That is in the 88 percentile!  I didn't have any health concerns during my first two visits.  My doctor said I was doing great, and I was such a pretty little girl.  She was impressed with my sleeping habits and my eating schedules. 

During my 4 month check up (Jan 20th 2012) I was 23 3/4" tall which is only in the 31 percentile.  Not too sure what happened with that whole tall thing Doc was talking about during my first visit.  I weighed in at only 12lbs 14.5oz which is in the 35 percentile.  The doctor said that maybe they caught me right before my next growth spurt.  My head seems to be the only thing that is getting bigger.  It measured in at 42.6 centimeters which is in the 89 percentile.  I wonder what it takes to be the top?  The doctor said that head size is the most important, because it means that my brain is developing nicely...basically she told me that I'm already a genius!  But, she said that I should increase the amount of milk I have during each meal, and she said that I can start trying solid foods.  I am going to have some rice cereal tonight! (pictures to come)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Viral Friday

Man this 8 year old guitarist can definitely shred.

This girl is amazing, she is going to be my motivation for my creative side.   

4 Months and A Look Back

Please take a look at how I have grown. 

Naked during day 1.

I couldn't even hold my head up during week 1,
and all I wanted to do was sleep. 

Week 2, and I can already keep my head up with
assistance from the chair and pillow.

Week 3 with my owl hat. 
 Look how nicely it fits. 

Showing off my first pair of leggings during week 4. 

Pretty in blue in week 5.

Looking Native American in week 6.

Flower power in week 7.

Wearing purple loud in week 8.

Knock, knock in week 9. 

Tutu cute in week 10.

Cats meow in week 11.

Showing my purple in week 12.

Innocent in week 13.

Pretty in pink in week 14.

3 weeks in a row in pink during week 15.

Karate kicking in week 16.

Vest up in week 17.  

Show Me How The Piggies Eat

So my doctor gave me clearance to try something else besides milk to eat.  I was a little apprehensive going into this, not knowing what to expect.  We started out with some rice cereal.  Daddy placed the Bumbo on the floor, just as a safety precaution.  I would have to say today was a life altering day.  Who knew there is more to eat than just milk.  I will say that I didn't enjoy it at first.  I don't know if it was the taste or the texture.  Maybe I was puzzled on how to swallow something else besides milk.  I'm just proud of myself that I did it.  Ohh, yeah, Daddy included some unflattering pictures of me down below.  Please don't laugh too much.   
I hate this!  I just want my milk!

Do I have something on my face?

Bella, please don't look at me, I'm a mess.  

I looked a little shocked, huh?

Hmm, maybe it's not that bad.

I think I might like it. 

Ohh, come on, why did you have to add this picture?

I like this one, because if you look closely
 you can see specks of my spit all around.

And, I'm done.