Tuesday, January 31, 2012

19 Weeks

It has been a rough couple weeks around the Bugga household.  First Daddy got sick with Strep Throat.  He was sick with that for 3 days or so, and he was boring during that time.  Supposedly, he was too tired to play with me.  It ended up being a lot of time on my play mat.  He also didn't talk much because his throat hurt so much.  I started to get lonely since he couldn't talk much.  This lead to some awesome Mommy time when she got home from work.  Once Mommy got home Daddy really turned into a bum.

The girls of the house got sick next.  I think we both got sick on the same day.  Mommy got Daddy's Strep Throat, and got some medication at urgent care.   She was awesome as usually, being the best Mommy in the world.  I on the other hand had my first emergency room visit.  Mommy and her motherly instincts kicked in when my eye got progressively worse in a matter of a couple hours.  She called my pediatrician, and she advised that we go to the ER, I guess the eyes are nothing to be messed with.  Twenty minutes later, and we were walking through the sliding glass doors of the hospital. 

The ER was really efficient and very friendly to us.  After a short while they determined that I had Conjunctivitis (aka - Pink Eye) and a slight ear infection.  (I have no Idea where I would have gotten Pink Eye from)  Before you knew it we were out the hospital doors headed home.  The worst part came when I had to take that horrible medication.  I recovered fairly quick, but Mommy and Daddy still have lingering sore throats. 

I was really into Patches today. 
(Don't worry below was all pretend, I didn't really hurt him)
Here I am trying to put him into my mouth,
just like I want to put everything into my mouth.

I just did a Vulcan nerve pinch on Patches. 

Now I'm going Matrix on Patches. 

I'm only smiling because I'm still thinking about eating his ear.

What Daddy, I shouldn't eat Patches' ear?

At least my head was in focus.

I added this photo just to show you my sweet smile. 

Just in case you didn't know, my Mommy and Daddy
 love to put me in leg warmers! 

It doesn't matter what I'm wearing,
because I'm still eyeing Patches ear.

Smiling buddies!

Man I'm tired.  I hope Mommy isn't bothered
that I just yawned out loud.  (inside joke, whatever that means)

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