Saturday, January 21, 2012

Health Assessment

Ok, I've had 3 major doctor visits so far, and my progression has been, well lets say its been progress. 

At two weeks I was 21 1/4" tall and in the 80 percentile which means 20% of kids my age were taller than me.  My doctor was thinking I was going to be a tall.  Mommy and Daddy didn't know where that would have came from.  I weighed 8lbs 13oz, the 58 percentile for weight.  While my head was 37.8 centimeters which is, wait for it, in the 85 percentile.  Only 15% of kids have a larger head than me.  Too bad my body hasn't caught up, yet.

At my 2 month check up (Nov 30th 2011) I was 23" tall which is in the 63 percentile  I weighed 11lbs 8oz which is in the 58 percentile.  My head was still big measuring 40.9 centimeters.  That is in the 88 percentile!  I didn't have any health concerns during my first two visits.  My doctor said I was doing great, and I was such a pretty little girl.  She was impressed with my sleeping habits and my eating schedules. 

During my 4 month check up (Jan 20th 2012) I was 23 3/4" tall which is only in the 31 percentile.  Not too sure what happened with that whole tall thing Doc was talking about during my first visit.  I weighed in at only 12lbs 14.5oz which is in the 35 percentile.  The doctor said that maybe they caught me right before my next growth spurt.  My head seems to be the only thing that is getting bigger.  It measured in at 42.6 centimeters which is in the 89 percentile.  I wonder what it takes to be the top?  The doctor said that head size is the most important, because it means that my brain is developing nicely...basically she told me that I'm already a genius!  But, she said that I should increase the amount of milk I have during each meal, and she said that I can start trying solid foods.  I am going to have some rice cereal tonight! (pictures to come)

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