Tuesday, January 3, 2012

15 Weeks

Big changes have happened around the house.  First it is a new year, and I have so many things to work on.  Second Mommy had to go back to work (sniff, sniff), but now I get to hang out with Daddy.  Things are a little different with Daddy home all day, and we are both still trying to figure each other out.  Mommy and Daddy do things differently, like feeding me.  Mommy can still get the best giggles out of me, but Daddy is trying.  Daddy is stricter on where I take my naps.  He says it's straight to your crib for nap time.  Lastly, I'm still cute (just wanted to make sure everyone still new that)!

It started off kinda slow.  Here I am patiently waiting for Daddy to get rolling.
Notice me tapping my fingers on my knee as I wait. 

Wait, stop that's not how Mommy does it.  

Ok you're getting kinda funny, so I will give you a little smile.  

This is my slightly embarrassed smile. 
Embarrased of Daddy.  (hee, hee) 

How is this for a smile?

Daddy you are starting to bore me.  (yawn)

What's that over there?

I decided to put on my tutu.  I hope it matches.   


Bored with Daddy and more interested in Patches. 

These photos were taken a little later in the day. 
 I'm smiling, but you just can't see it behind my hand in my mouth. 

Still smiling.  

And we're done.  Good night.  

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