Tuesday, January 17, 2012

17 Weeks

Sorry it took me a little while to get this post out, but there were some sickies going around the house  Daddy got Strep Throat and is finally on antibiotics and is no longer contagious.  I had a cold or at least I think I had a cold, but it only lasted one day.  I guess I have a super baby immune system.  I had a runny nose and Mommy and Daddy had to use that stupid suction thingy in my nose.  I was sneezing a lot, but never had a fever.  Mommy stayed relatively healthy through the whole ordeal and held up the fort for a while 

Vests are back for 2012!

I pledge allegiance to the flag....
During Daddy Day Care we practice the Pledge of Allegiance.

Maybe we should get Patches a vest also. 

I love sticking my tongue out, and look I'm waving. 

What'cha say?

Hey Patches do you want to hold hands?

Bye bye until next time. 

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