Tuesday, January 10, 2012

16 Weeks

So week 2 of Daddy Day Care, and I'm still alive. (just joking, Daddy's doing great)  Daddy is figuring out it takes a lot to entertain me.  I like a variety of action.  I can't stay put in just one place.  I think his arms are getting buff from holding me all the time.  I always hear him complaining about his back (man what a wuss).

One accomplishment this week was for me to figure out how my rattles work.  I thought they only made noise when Mommy and Daddy shook them but no, I can do it too.  I also found out that I can hit my head with the rattle (and that ended up with me crying) so I got to be careful. 

Daddy I think this outfit is still a little too big for me. 

I mean come on you can't even see my hand.  

Suprisingly the headband is also too big.  I only say that
because I have a giant dome for my age.  

Just me and my buddy Patches chillin'.

Just imagine how good this picture would have been
 if I was dressed in something that fit me well. 

Huh, I wonder if I should try something more my size?
Don't worry (Mimi) I will save this outfit for another week,
 when I am a little bit bigger.   

Um, Daddy this doesn't fit either.

There we go. 
Every girl needs a nice pair of black pants. 

I call this look my slobber smile. 

Look at me, I'm a dancing queen. 

This photo session quickly turned to a sucking
 on my hand and sleeve time, so goodbye for now.

Love you everybody. 

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