Friday, January 20, 2012

4 Months and A Look Back

Please take a look at how I have grown. 

Naked during day 1.

I couldn't even hold my head up during week 1,
and all I wanted to do was sleep. 

Week 2, and I can already keep my head up with
assistance from the chair and pillow.

Week 3 with my owl hat. 
 Look how nicely it fits. 

Showing off my first pair of leggings during week 4. 

Pretty in blue in week 5.

Looking Native American in week 6.

Flower power in week 7.

Wearing purple loud in week 8.

Knock, knock in week 9. 

Tutu cute in week 10.

Cats meow in week 11.

Showing my purple in week 12.

Innocent in week 13.

Pretty in pink in week 14.

3 weeks in a row in pink during week 15.

Karate kicking in week 16.

Vest up in week 17.  

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