Friday, January 13, 2012

Bumbo Time...Again!

I have been sitting in my Bumbo for about a month now.(Don't worry I'm always under adult supervision)  I have another chair also, but I realized that it's still a little bit too big.  The Bumbo had that needed snugness.  I had another post about the Bumbo about a month ago, but now I will try to show you my progression. 

This is the first photo of me in my Bumbo.  It's nothing glamorous,
I couldn't even figure out how to keep my head up. 

Things are looking up. 

Daddy thought this photo was funny. 

Daddy's hand was behind me the whole time holding my head up. 

Here is one of the first times without any parental head support.
  Only parental emotional support.  

Sittin' pretty in my Bumbo. 

And, I'm ready to get out. 

This must have been some early morning
Bumbo time, because I still have my PJs on. 

Kind of a demanding look, huh?

Oh you said "say cheese" not "say ahh"

Here is one from this week. 

Trying to be proper. 

Those kitties are eyeing my Bumbo. 

Striaght to the moon if you get in my Bumbo. 

This is another shot from today. 

Are you talking to me?

Bella! That's mine. 

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